
If you’re considering switching to an alternative fuel vehicle, you have a ton of options. The following is a quick breakdown of the different types of fuels and how they work:

The Different Alternative Fuels You Need To Know About

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are electric vehicles. They use hydrogen, a carrier of energy, to generate electricity that powers the vehicle’s electric motor. The only emission from these cars is water vapor and they can be refueled in minutes at stations similar to those for gasoline-powered cars.

There are two types of hydrogen fuel cells: direct-methanol or proton exchange membrane (PEM). Direct methanol has been used in several prototype vehicles with limited production runs while PEMs are being tested by Honda and Hyundai; both types have advantages and disadvantages over each other when it comes to performance, cost efficiency, durability etc…

Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles are powered by an electric motor and can be charged from the grid or from a battery. Electric vehicles have zero tailpipe emissions, which means they’re good for the environment. They can also be recharged in minutes, making them more efficient than internal combustion engines.

Natural Gas Vehicles

Natural gas is a fossil fuel and an alternative to gasoline. It can be used in vehicles that run on compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), or biomethane.

Natural gas vehicles are cleaner than traditional vehicles because they produce fewer pollutants when they’re driven. They also have higher ranges than their gasoline counterparts, which means you don’t have to stop as often for refueling during long trips. If your current car uses gasoline, converting it into a natural gas vehicle is fairly simple–and there are plenty of companies out there ready to help you do so!

Propane Autogas (LPG) Vehicles

Propane Autogas (LPG) vehicles use a fuel cell to convert propane into electricity. The fuel cell can be powered by compressed natural gas or liquid petroleum gases, such as propane. Propane is a natural gas that is found in pipelines and used for heating homes, cooking food, fueling gas grills and portable stoves and more! LPG has a higher octane rating than gasoline but burns cleaner than diesel so it’s great for your engine while helping the environment at the same time!

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicles

Compressed natural gas (CNG) is a fossil fuel, but it’s considered clean burning. CNG vehicles are cheaper to fuel than gasoline or diesel, but not as efficient at converting energy into movement.

CNG vehicles have been available for decades and have been used in public transportation systems around the world since the 1960s. They’re also popular with fleet operators who want to minimize their carbon footprint while saving money on maintenance and fuel costs.

Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) Vehicles

Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a type of fuel that’s available in both liquid form and gas form. It’s made from petroleum, but it’s different from the natural gas you use at home. The two most common types of LPG are propane and butane; these are compressed into cylinders with a special valve on top so you can easily fill up your car with them when needed.

LPG has been used as an alternative fuel source since World War II when it was used in place of gasoline by armies around the world because it doesn’t require any refining or processing before use, making it cheaper than traditional fuels like gasoline or diesel. Today, millions of vehicles around the world run on LPG–from small cars all the way up through large trucks!

There are many alternative fuels available for use in your car.

There are many alternative fuels available for use in your car. The following is a list of some of the more common ones:

  • Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles
  • Electric vehicles (EVs)
  • Natural gas vehicles (NGVs) such as CNG and LPG powered cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles that run on compressed natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas respectively. These types of NGVs have been around since the late 19th century but only became popular after World War II when oil prices dropped considerably in America thanks to new technologies like fracking which made it easier to extract oil from wells deep underground.


We hope that this article has helped you understand the different types of alternative fuels. If you’re looking to make a change in your vehicle and want to know more about which one is right for you, contact us today!